This solved paper has been contributed by Shalini Hareesh
THANKS TO : Shalini Hareesh
SCDL-answers for TQM and HR...... The highlighted bullets are the answers.
Multiple choice Single response
1) A business uses for its operations, products both in
· Hard and soft domains
2) These are costs incurred in keeping failure and appraisal costs to minimum
· Prevention costs
3) How many levels of plan are there?
· 4
4) The business influences
· Employee’s morale
5) Leadership is
· Cause of success in business
6) The idea of quality department
· is outdated
7) Common understanding across business
· customers---
8) Collection of data must be tune with the organizational objectives defined by the
- top management
9) QFD means
· Quality function deployment
10) Customer is
- king
11) For objective evaluation of strategy, the criteria is
· strategic fit
12) This tool helps in arriving at possible solutions from a set of alternatives and thus analysis leads to giving recommendations for decision making.
· Brain storming
13) Feiganbaum’s major contribution was
- Cost of quality.
14) Prevention costs are those incurred
- On taking steps to prevent defects happening
15) Managing continual improvement is
- A process subsequent to defining strategies.
Multiple choice multiple answers
1) When you ask a question on “place” the answers give you options for and then you weigh the options to reach a conclusion, the options are
- Establishing the process in house
- The preferred location from an input point
- Outsource
2) Managers should know
- organisation vision---
- organisation strategy—
3) Business being process oriented, you are to control your
- resources
- examine business trends
- measuring outcome of each process
4) In ISO 14001 in paragraph of standard consists of requirements like
· operational control
· emergency preparedness
· management reviews
5) Customers need change with
- Time
- Space
6) The scope of audit during the audit of sales could be to examine
- The customer satisfaction
- How the orders were executed
- Contribution to turnover
7) Benefits of planning are
· Image
· Competition
8) You should know customer’s
- Current needs
- Future needs
9) Business needs following criteria as performance assessement
- Standing in the market
- Quality culture in the organisation
- Cost reduction
10) ISO 14001-in the paragraph 4 of standard-requirement for planning stages are:
Correct answer:
- Identify environmental aspects
- Determine those that can have a significant impact
- Understand the legal and other requirments too.
11) ISO developed co-operation in the spheres of
- Scientific activities
- peace
12) Not all incentives appeal to all but following must get analyzed
- Individual trends
- Individual preference
- Individual experience
13) Categorisation of quality cost include
· Appriassal cost
· Prevention cost
· Failure cost
True or false
1) Understanding customer is not only important for design but equally so for delivery of product or service--- true
2)Like you have internal customers, there are internal suppliers too---True
3)Planning decreases time to lead in competition—True
4) Standard should be generic--True
5) Meaning of strategy is art/science of planning—Ans. True
6) Instutionalisaton is the concept that an organisation ingrains the processes as a standard practice or a way of conducting business.--- True
7) Specific goals directs organizations on “don’t’s”--false
8) A simple compelling and shared vision can sustain the commitment needed—True
9) At the time of brain storming every member starts talking.—false
10) A vision for business must be compelling---True
11) People do not capabilites to respond to a range of situations--False
12) PDCA cycle was introduced by Walter Shewalt—False
13) During the 1960s the concept of quality costs emerged--- True
14) Collection of data must be in tune with the organisation’s objective as defined by the top management.---True
Select the blank
1)Business is a set of ___________________ processes
- Strategic
2) Quality of product or service is because the __________________not because of verification or inspection.
- Design
3) The system is an --------- set of activities with a mutual influence through a well-defined sequence of relation.
· Inter-related
4) Organisations need a leader to give a ----
· Direction
5) The ---- is the ability of the QMS to achieve the targeted results
· Integrity
6) In degree of instutionalisation, a managed process that is tailored from the organisations’ standard process according to the tailoring guildelines is the meaning of the term:
· Defined processes----
7) Top management of Karnataka Steel Ltd being concerned about the
- Welfare of workers
8) In process concept with ------- you can provide a way to incorporate knowledge of how to do things better.
· Interdependence
9) Those who are not ---- will never make any progress
- aware
10) ---- is the measurement scale where values occur most frequently.
- mean
11) Objective evaluation is a ___________________ activity on part of the management and is a situational analysis.
- Deliberate
12) In hierarchy of human needs, food and shelter are ___________
- Essential needs.
Match the following:
Internal organisation for standardization---ISO
Bureau of Indian standards--BIS
Greek “isos---equal
Official operation of ISO---1947
TQM- is a philosophy
Total quality management—needs commitment at the top management
Motivation-Enhances morale of the people
Quality of measurement process is: essential at each level in an organisation.
Phil crobsy---14 steps quality improvement program
Taguchi----Quality in design
Ichikawa-- Company wide motivation
Crosby---quality of management
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