Sunday, June 30, 2024

Green Logistics & Supply Chains - 3rd Sem PGDSCM Solved paper


1. Which of the following is a primary goal of green logistics?

   - A) Maximizing transportation costs

   - B) Minimizing carbon footprint

   - C) Increasing packaging waste

   - D) Expanding landfill use

2. Fill in the blank: __________ is the practice of integrating environmentally-friendly measures into logistics operations.

3. Match the following:

   - 1. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction

   - 2. Use of alternative fuels

   - 3. Efficient route planning

   - 4. Packaging optimization


   - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

   - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

   - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

   - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

4. Which factor directly contributes to environmental costs in logistics?

   - A) Increased use of renewable energy

   - B) Heavy reliance on air transport

   - C) Efficient use of warehouse space

   - D) Recycling of packaging materials

5. Fill in the blank: Environmental costs refer to the __________ associated with logistics activities.

6. Match the following:

   - 1. Carbon taxes

   - 2. Emissions trading schemes

   - 3. Cost of pollution control

   - 4. Impact on biodiversity


   - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

   - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

   - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

   - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

7. Reverse logistics primarily deals with:

   - A) Forward movement of goods

   - B) Recycling and disposal of waste

   - C) Speeding up delivery times

   - D) Increasing production efficiency

8. Fill in the blank: The process of __________ involves the return of products and materials for reuse, recycling, or disposal.

9. Match the following:

   - 1. Collection centers for used products

   - 2. Repair and refurbishment facilities

   - 3. Recycling plants

   - 4. Incineration facilities


   - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

   - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

   - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

   - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

10. Public policies aimed at promoting green supply chains typically focus on:

    - A) Reducing compliance costs

    - B) Weakening environmental regulations

    - C) Providing incentives for sustainable practices

    - D) Ignoring international standards

11. Fill in the blank: Government regulations play a crucial role in shaping __________ within supply chains.

12. Match the following:

    - 1. Tax incentives for eco-friendly practices

    - 2. Environmental certification requirements

    - 3. Subsidies for renewable energy use

    - 4. Trade agreements promoting sustainable sourcing


    - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

    - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

    - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

    - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

13. Which strategy is NOT typically associated with enhancing environmental sustainability in logistics?

    - A) Use of electric vehicles

    - B) Minimization of packaging materials

    - C) Increased reliance on air transport

    - D) Adoption of sustainable warehousing practices

14. Fill in the blank: Green logistics aims to reduce the __________ impact of supply chain operations.

15. Match the following:

    - 1. Energy-efficient warehouses

    - 2. Renewable energy sources

    - 3. Green packaging materials

    - 4. Carbon footprint measurement tools


    - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

    - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

    - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

    - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

16. Which of the following is an example of an environmental cost associated with logistics operations?

    - A) Reduced fuel consumption

    - B) Waste reduction initiatives

    - C) Air and water pollution

    - D) Employee training programs

17. Fill in the blank: Environmental costs often result from the __________ of logistics activities.

18. Match the following:

    - 1. Costs of emissions controls

    - 2. Fines for environmental violations

    - 3. Impact on local ecosystems

    - 4. Loss of biodiversity


    - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

    - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

    - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

    - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

19. What is a primary benefit of effective reverse logistics for waste management?

    - A) Increased landfill usage

    - B) Cost reduction through disposal

    - C) Enhanced resource recovery

    - D) Accelerated production cycles

20. Fill in the blank: Reverse logistics involves handling the __________ of products and materials.

21. Match the following:

    - 1. Reuse of returned products

    - 2. Recyclable materials separation

    - 3. Disposal in landfills

    - 4. Incineration of waste


    - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

    - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

    - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

    - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

22. How can public policies influence green supply chains positively?

    - A) By reducing incentives for sustainability

    - B) By promoting transparency in sourcing

    - C) By increasing trade barriers

    - D) By ignoring international standards

23. Fill in the blank: Government regulations often encourage companies to adopt __________ practices.

24. Match the following:

    - 1. Carbon pricing mechanisms

    - 2. Eco-labeling requirements

    - 3. Restrictions on hazardous materials

    - 4. Green procurement policies


    - A) Environmental Sustainability & Green Logistics

    - B) Environmental Costs of Logistics

    - C) Reverse Logistics for Waste Management

    - D) Public Policy and Green Supply Chains

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