Please verify the answers as they might be incorrect also.
1. MCQ: What is Python primarily known for?
A. Web Development
B. Data Science
C. Easy syntax
D. Mobile Development
Answer: C. Easy syntax
2. Fill in the Blanks: Python was created by _______.
Answer: Guido van Rossum
3. Match the Following:
a. Python 2 - iii. Released in 2000
b. Python 3 - i. Released in 2008
c. PEP 8 - ii. Style Guide
a - iii
b - i
c - ii
Variables, Expressions, and Statements
4. MCQ: What is the correct syntax to assign a value to a variable in Python?
A. x == 10
B. x = 10
C. 10 = x
D. 10 == x
Answer: B. x = 10
5. Fill in the Blanks: The expression 5 + 3 * 2 evaluates to ______.
Answer: 11
6. Match the Following:
a. Variable - iii. Stores data
b. Expression - i. Combination of values
c. Statement - ii. Performs an action
a - iii
b - i
c - ii
Control Structures, Data Structures - Arrays and Linked Lists, Queues
7. MCQ: Which of the following is a control structure in Python?
A. if-else
B. Array
C. Linked List
D. Queue
Answer: A. if-else
8. Fill in the Blanks: The data structure that allows adding elements at one end and removing from the other is called ______.
Answer: Queue
9. Match the Following:
a. Array - i. Fixed size
b. Linked List - ii. Dynamic size
c. Queue - iii. FIFO
a - i
b - ii
c - iii
10. MCQ: How do you define a function in Python?
A. def function_name():
B. function function_name():
C. create function_name():
D. define function_name():
Answer: A. def function_name():
11. Fill in the Blanks: Functions help in reducing ________ in code.
Answer: Redundancy
12. Match the Following:
a. def - i. Keyword to define a function
b. return - ii. Sends back a value
c. parameter - iii. Input to a function
a - i
b - ii
c - iii
Conditionals, Recursion, and Iteration
13. MCQ: What is a base case in recursion?
A. A loop condition
B. A recursive call
C. A condition where recursion stops
D. An iterative process
Answer: C. A condition where recursion stops
14. Fill in the Blanks: The keyword used to create a loop that repeats as long as a condition is true is ______.
Answer: while
15. Match the Following:
a. if - iii. Conditional statement
b. for - i. Iterative loop
c. recursion - ii. Function calling itself
a - iii
b - i
c - ii
16. MCQ: Which of the following is a valid way to concatenate strings in Python?
A. str1 - str2
B. str1 + str2
C. str1 * str2
D. str1 / str2
Answer: B. str1 + str2
17. Fill in the Blanks: The method to convert a string to lowercase is ______.
Answer: lower()
18. Match the Following:
a. upper() - ii. Converts to uppercase
b. find() - iii. Searches for a substring
c. replace() - i. Replaces a substring
a - ii
b - iii
c - i
Lists and Tuples
19. MCQ: Which of the following is a mutable data type in Python?
A. List
B. Tuple
C. String
D. Integer
Answer: A. List
20. Fill in the Blanks: Tuples are immutable, whereas lists are ______.
Answer: mutable
21. Match the Following:
a. list.append() - ii. Adds an element
b. tuple.count() - iii. Counts occurrences
c. list.sort() - i. Sorts the list
a - ii
b - iii
c - i
22. MCQ: How do you access the value associated with a key in a dictionary?
A. dict.key
B. dict[key]
C. dict.key()
D. dict[key()]
Answer: B. dict[key]
23. Fill in the Blanks: The method to add a key-value pair to a dictionary is ______.
Answer: update()
24. Match the Following:
a. keys() - ii. Returns keys
b. values() - iii. Returns values
c. items() - i. Returns key-value pairs
a - ii
b - iii
c - i
Object-Oriented Programming
25. MCQ: What is the term for a blueprint of an object in OOP?
A. Function
B. Class
C. Module
D. Package
Answer: B. Class
26. Fill in the Blanks: The process of creating an instance of a class is called ______.
Answer: instantiation
27. Match the Following:
a. init - iii. Constructor
b. self - i. Refers to the instance
c. inheritance - ii. Deriving from a class
a - iii
b - i
c - ii
Files and Error Handling
28. MCQ: Which keyword is used to handle exceptions in Python?
A. catch
B. handle
C. except
D. throw
Answer: C. except
29. Fill in the Blanks: The method used to read the entire contents of a file is ______.
Answer: read()
30. Match the Following:
a. open() - i. Opens a file
b. close() - ii. Closes a file
c. IOError - iii. File handling error
a - i
b - ii
c - iii
Testing, Debugging, and Profiling
31. MCQ: What is the purpose of unit testing?
A. To find syntax errors
B. To test individual units of code
C. To optimize performance
D. To debug the entire program
Answer: B. To test individual units of code
32. Fill in the Blanks: The Python module used for debugging is ______.
Answer: pdb
33. Match the Following:
a. unittest - i. Testing framework
b. assert - iii. Statement for testing
c. cProfile - ii. Profiling tool
a - i
b - iii
c - ii
Handling Data with Python
34. MCQ: Which library is commonly used for data manipulation in Python?
A. NumPy
B. Pandas
C. SciPy
D. Matplotlib
Answer: B. Pandas
35. Fill in the Blanks: The data structure used in Pandas for 1-dimensional data is called ______.
Answer: Series
36. Match the Following:
a. read_csv() - ii. Reads CSV files
b. DataFrame - iii. 2D data structure
c. merge() - i. Combines dataframes
a - ii
b - iii
c - i
Python Graphical User Interface Development
37. MCQ: Which library is commonly used for creating GUIs in Python?
A. NumPy
B. Matplotlib
C. Tkinter
D. SciPy
Answer: C. Tkinter
38. Fill in the Blanks: The method to start the main loop in a Tkinter application is ______.
Answer: mainloop()
39. Match the Following:
a. Button - i. Creates a button
b. Label - ii. Displays text
c. Entry - iii. Single-line text field
a - i
b - ii
c - iii
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