Question: An asynchronous call returns immediately, without waiting for the I/O to complete.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
Question: Data transfer from cache to CPU and registers is usually a software function, with little operating system intervention.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
Select The Blank
Question: The concept of protection levels and call gates were pioneered in MULTICS, where they were viewed as protection ________.
Correct Answer: Ring
Your Answer: Ring
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A domain is a collection of :-
Correct Answer: Access rights
Your Answer: Protection policies
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer Your Answer
Volatile Memory Primary memory RAM
CPU registers Volatile storage Primary memory
Magnetic disks Non volatile storage Non volatile storage
Floppy disk Secondary storage Secondary storage
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Each object has a unique :-
Correct Answer: Name
Your Answer: Name
Question: Once class is defined we can create limited number of objects belonging to that class.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: A mailbox can be owned by :-
Correct Answer: Process , Operating system
Your Answer: User , Process
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: C++ is basically a procedural language having extension of
Correct Answer: Object Oriented technology
Your Answer: Object Oriented technology
Question: In Lock-key mechanism, users are allowed to examine or modify the list of keys or locks directly.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Most CPUs have two interrupt request lines. Which are they?
Correct Answer: Maskable , Non maskable
Your Answer: Maskable , Non maskable
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer: Your Answer:
We can define abstract Data abstraction Data abstraction
operation on abstract data
Process of sharing properties of the Inheritance Inheritance
higher level object or class
Ability to inherit attributes and Multiple inheritance Multiple inheritance
methods from 2 or more objects
or classes
Ability to send a message to several Ploymorphism Ploymorphism
objects and to allow receiving object
to respond method specified on the object.
Select The Blank
Question: The ________ is a layer of software that hides hardware differences from upper levels of the operating system.
Correct Answer: Hardware abstraction layer
Your Answer: Hardware abstraction layer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The ready queue is generally stored as a :-
Correct Answer: Linked list
Your Answer: Queue
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How big is a class object?
Correct Answer: Is as big as sum of the sizes of its member variables
Your Answer: Is as big as sum of the sizes of its member variables
Question: In FIFO algorithm the page removed from memory is the one which most recently used.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
Question: I/O system calls are costly in terms of CPU consumptions.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Policies for resource use may be subject to change over :-
Correct Answer: Time
Your Answer: Time
Question: A functionality prototype can be designed that does not have the final user interface, but allows users to try out various features, such as forwarding messages or attaching files without worrying about the final interface.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The main difference between structure and class is
Correct Answer: Structure does not support OOPS Class Supports OOPS.
Your Answer: Structure does not support OOPS Class Supports OOPS.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The First version of UNIX was developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson of the Research Group at :-
Correct Answer: Bell Laboratories
Your Answer: Bell Laboratories
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Collection of similar datatypes is called as
Correct Answer: Array
Your Answer: Array
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The pure Object Oriented language is
Correct Answer: Java
Your Answer: Java
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The concept of OOPS was first introduced in
Correct Answer: Simula Language
Your Answer: Simula Language
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The class bird should have object
Correct Answer: Egale
Your Answer: Egale
Select The Blank
Question: ________ of an object remains unchanged even though its state and properties change.
Correct Answer: Identity
Your Answer: Location
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The Linux system is composed of three main bodies of code, in line with most traditional UNIX implementations. Which are :-
Correct Answer: Kernel , System libraries , System utilities
Your Answer: Kernel , System libraries , System utilities
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: An audit log records which things about an object ?
Correct Answer: Time , User , Type of access
Your Answer: User , Type of access , Operation
Select The Blank
Question: The virtual memory portion of the NT executive is the ________.
Correct Answer: Virtual memory manager
Your Answer: Page-memory manager
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A system consists of collection of :-
Correct Answer: Processes
Your Answer: Procedures
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Linux presents standard interfaces to whom?
Correct Answer: Programmer , User
Your Answer: Programmer , User
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Most computers have hardware clocks and timers that provide three basic functions, such as :-
Correct Answer: Give the current time , Give the elapsed time , Set a timer to trigger operation at certain time
Your Answer: Give the current time , Give the elapsed time , Set a timer to trigger operation at certain time
Select The Blank
Question: The UNIX system uses ________ to avoid the necessity of keeping its password list secret.
Correct Answer: Encryption
Your Answer: Encryption
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: A solution to the problem of indefinite blockage of low-priority processes in Priority scheduling is :-
Correct Answer: Aging
Your Answer: Starvation
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In a uniprocessor system, there is :-
Correct Answer: Single processor , Single running process
Your Answer: Single processor , Single running process
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The process by which objects of one class acquire properties of objects of other class is called
Correct Answer: Inheritance
Your Answer: Inheritance
Select The Blank
Question: A segment shorter than ________ M will have a page directory with single entry, a pointer to its one and only page table.
Correct Answer: 4
Your Answer: 8
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If Dog derives from Mammal, and Mammal derives from Animal, then -
Correct Answer: Dog inherits Animal's functions and data
Your Answer: Dog inherits Animal's functions and data
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Passwords can be generated by :-
Correct Answer: System , User
Your Answer: System , User , Password software
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: kernel threads are supported by following operating systems :-
Correct Answer: Windows NT , Solaris , Digital UNIX
Your Answer: Windows NT , Solaris , Digital UNIX
Select The Blank
Question: The hardware to measure elapsed time to trigger operations is called a ________.
Correct Answer: Programmable interval timer
Your Answer: Hardware timer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In Windows NT , kernel uses which two sets of objects?
Correct Answer: Dispatcher objects , Control objects
Your Answer: Dispatcher objects , Control objects
Question: Firewall monitors and logs all connections.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
Select The Blank
Question: During execution, ________ register holds the sector for the code segment.
Correct Answer: CS
Your Answer: CS
Select The Blank
Question: The creating process is called a ________ process.
Correct Answer: Parent
Your Answer: Parent
Question: Objects can not interact unless they know the details of each others data or code.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
Select The Blank
Question: Web servers use the ________ protocol to communicate with web browsers.
Correct Answer: http
Your Answer: http
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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